Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s).

We are here to help

Whatever the career you are looking for at INL, we want to make this process as easy as possible to apply. Please, find below some of the most important frequently asked questions (FAQ’s).

If your question isn’t answered below, please, send us an email via our contact form.

  • We want you to find the most suitable position for your expertise and background. Explore our website and read more about our working areas, culture and people, to see which area is right for you. You can view all opportunities here.

  • To progress your application, we will ask you to provide us with information to get better acquainted with your background and expertise. You may be asked specific questions that are relevant to the role you are applying for to ensure it’s right for you.

  • You can search for opportunities, and access and complete the application form for each job offer.

  • Once you have submitted your application, our dedicated recruitment team will be in touch as soon as possible.

  • We value all candidates whether they are successful or not, and we are committed to providing feedback to all applicants and may even encourage you to apply for future roles.

  • INL is an equal opportunities employer that embraces diversity. We are committed to offering equal chances to you throughout our application process. Please note on the application whether you require additional support and we will do our best to accommodate your needs

  • Yes. There is no limitation on how many roles you can apply for. However, we want you to find a role that most suits you, so encourage you to review each role carefully and apply for only those that match your skill set and will advance your career.

  • Yes. There is no time restriction following an unsuccessful application. We value your time and welcome you to apply again at a later date.

 Contact us

  • Avenida Mestre José Veiga s/n, 4715-330 | Braga, Portugal

    Tel: (+351) 253 140112

    Location: 41°33'16.4"N | 8°24'00.8"W
